lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009


Loneliness seems to be the only place to find myself. I can't blame people around who feel I'm leaving them behind. I've been through so many faces: the colorful charming bachelor, the dark politic rebel, the electro dancing funky guy.... all of those were mere masks, made just to deny myself, made to fit somewhere. Fitting is actually easier than it may sound, a matter of mastering your speech to whatever person wants to hear, just a slow teasing that helps you getting inside other's thoughts. These last months were heavy, and I chose it to be that way to be sure I could get to a closure. But the side effects weren't worth it. Resignation, alienation, blindness. I have no masks now, and the bare skin seems boring... just a misplaced loner who thinks too much and makes no much about what he thinks.

1 comentario:

Mónica dijo...

Speaking for someone who has been using masks for pretty much their whole life, I can't help but to relate to this post.

Using masks is indeed easy, letting oneself get carried away by the moment, by someone else's wishes.. and if done for long enough, it comes out so easily, that one's true self ends up becoming the lie.

It gets harder to go back to who one used to be, and as you said, it gets boring.. it also gets unnatural, fake, weird... people start believing there's something wrong and wish things could go back to the way they used to be, they much rather speak to the nice mask than the actual face, which makes it even harder to take the mask away.

As for me, I was recently able to start over, which, I must admit, was refreshing. I've tried not to care for masks, but the truth is, it's quite hard to let go of them, they, unfortunately, become a part of you, and it gets hard to tell them apart...

Don't say you've been misplaced, because you haven't, chances are, many people around you feel the same way, but wouldn't dare to admit it... as much as we'd like to believe it, most people are not all that different from us.